Meeting with minister of state Katja Keul
Apr 28 2024 · 0 comments · Allgemein ·0A highlight of the project was the invitation to a commemorative event on March 2, 2024 in Moshi to mark the day of the execution of Mangi Meli, a chief of the Chagga tribe, by German colonial officers. At this meeting, which was attended by Katja Keul, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, our German and Tanzanian pupils gave a very convincing presentation of our history project and made remarkable contributions in the subsequent discussion.

Changes in our Administration Team
Apr 12 2023 · 0 comments · Allgemein ·0Mr. Hassan Said Mtango offered to step down as Headmaster and continue working as a teacher at One World School, which was accepted. He wants to spend more time with his family Our previous Second Master Issack Julius Msoffe was appointed as his successor. He was replaced by Madam Sanifa Shabani Iddi, who is now our new Second Mistress. Together with our Head of Finance, Madam Hyasinta Festus Selele, and our Assistant Director, Manuel Festus Selele, we now have a management team with whom the management of the school will continue to be in good hands in the interests of sustainability. I myself will remain Managing Director of the school for the time being to oversee the changes.

Advanced level students moved into their new dormitory
Sep 11 2022 · 0 comments · Allgemein ·0After the start of construction at the beginning of this year and some delays due to heavy rains, the new boarding school building for upper school boys is now completely finished and the young people have moved in. It consists of smaller rooms in which mostly three students live. They like this very much and feel extremely comfortable in the new accommodation. This is also due to the large shaded courtyard and the common room, where they can meet, study together and talk about anything.
Our big thanks go to the Schmitz Foundation, which financed 75% of the building as part of the project “Creating a conducive learning environment for the students of One World Secondary School Kilimanjaro”. Furthermore, a big thank you goes to Mr. Manuel F. Selele, who was responsible for the construction and very wisely and prudently found super solutions for all difficulties.

High-ranking visitor at the OWSK
Jul 07 2022 · 0 comments · Allgemein ·0High-ranking visitor at the OWSK
Her Excellency, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Tanzania
Tanzania, Mrs. Regine Heß, came from Dar es Salaam to visit our school.
school. In a short speech, one of the students welcomed
student welcomed the ambassador very warmly. In a lively speech she gave
speech, she gave all our students an insight into her
into her professional field and into Tanzanian-German relations, and she
answered the many questions of the young people very competently.
people. Also privately we had very interesting conversations

One World School is a new member of the PASCH community
Mai 07 2019 · 0 comments · Allgemein ·0We are very proud to announce that we are now part of the big German PASCH-Network
“PASCH stands for “Schulen: Partner der Zukunft” (Schools: Partners of the Future). It is an initiative of the Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA), the Goethe-Institut, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Educational Exchange Service of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Culture (PAD). The initiative supports schools all over the world that offer qualified German-language tuition by providing modern teaching materials, teacher training, student exchanges and scholarships”
This August the first two students will go to Germany for two weeks to participate on a German language Course. Every year we can choose two other students to enhance they German.

New Oven built by our volunteers
Jul 30 2016 · 0 comments · Allgemein ·1Our volunteers Simon and Leila started to build an oven to help the cooks baking our daily scones. Now it is under a roof and the cooks will not get wet in rain season. The first proof was a cake for our students and it was delicious!